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ISO 45001 : 2018 – Become an occupational health and safety management system auditor – #14
Your occupational health and safety management system complies with the requirements of ISO 45001 and you want to audit it.
- Be able to prepare, conduct and close an audit according to the requirements of ISO 19011.
- Be able to understand and audit the requirements of ISO 45001: 2018 as well as regulatory and relevant interested parties requirements applicable to the company.
- To acquire the methodology and tools to make an audit effective and relevant.
- Practice preparing and conducting an audit of an occupational health and safety management system.
Recommanded for
- OHS managers
- Quality / QHSE managers, engineers and technicians
- Future auditors
- Safety officers.
- Master the ISO 45001: 2018 standard.
- The requirements of the standard are studied in order to be able to apply them later, but above all in order to understand them and to be able to justify their interest.
- This training is based on the culture of performance measurement, the interpretation of indicators and the analysis of risks linked to activities, so that the audit can be used as a genuine tool for continuous improvement.
- In the Training-Action version, this session includes field training within a host company: this approach allows future auditors to test their mastery of their audit technique in a real situation.
Evaluation mode
Validation by the trainer of the ability to apply the concepts and tools taught through situational exercises.
Course materials
- Participant’s file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Trainings :
- Become a Quality, Safety and Environment (QSE) Auditor – #121
- Discover the advantages of the ISO 26000 standard to launch your CSR approach – #261
- How to conduct your CSR approach using the ISO 26000 standard? – #262
Consulting services: EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
The fundamentals of an occupational health and safety management system.
The requirements of ISO 45001:
- Key concepts of the framework
- Reminder of the main ISO 45001 requirements from the auditor’s point of view.
Preparing for the field audit :
- The framework, an aid to preparing for the audit.
- Taking into account regulatory and other applicable requirements.
- Preparing for the field audit at the host site:
Construction of the audit scenario and questionnaire by the auditors.
Validation by the trainer before the field audit.
Carrying out the field audit on the host site:
- Conducting audits in pairs.
- Feedback of the audit findings to the host company.
Assessment and evaluation of the training.

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