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Mastering the ISO 19011 audit: techniques and practices – #311
- Every organisation needs to plan, carry out internal and external management system audits or other types of audits to check practices and improve. However, auditing cannot be improvised, and beyond simply checking compliance, the audit must add real value to the organisation.
- The audit manager, auditors and audit teams must follow good practice in preparing, auditing, reporting and formalising an audit report.
- Clients or management systems require that audits be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of ISO19011:2018.
- It is also necessary to assess the competence of the people involved in the audit process.
Be able to audit a management system effectively according to ISO 19011:
- Understand the auditor’s mission
- Prepare and conduct an audit
- To behave as an auditor (behavioural skills)
- Having the right questioning
- Integrating communication techniques useful in an audit
- Concluding the audit and structuring the audit report
- Knowing how to define what to do in a face-to-face or remote audit
- Adding value to the company through the results of audits
Recommanded for
- Anyone wishing to become an internal quality auditor.
- Beginner auditor.
No prerequisites.
- Work in sub-groups and reporting exercises in order to involve each participant and thus develop the capacity for synthesis and oral expression, which are essential in auditing.
- Practical exercises to construct an audit questionnaire that encourages the search for evidence of efficiency and continuous improvement of processes.
- During the training, participants benefit from the advice of the trainer, himself an experienced auditor.
- In an in-company setting, this auditor training course provides for application in the field. The participants test their audit technique on a real case. In this case, it is necessary to define an audit subject before the training, which will be the subject of a half-day preparation.
Evaluation mode
- Knowledge test (MCQ).
Course materials
- Participant file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Trainings :
- ISO 9001 : 2015 – Become a system auditor – #7
- FIEV V2.0 accredited production process auditors – #31
- VDA 6.3 : 2016 – Process Auditor Qualification – #941
Consulting services : EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
- Types of audit
- Benchmarks
Step by step
- Triggering an audit
- Preparing audit activities
- Performing the audit activities
- Preparing and distributing the audit report
- Closing the audit
- Performing the audit follow-up
The auditor’s job
- The qualities of an auditor
- Practising communication skills as an auditor
- Staying the course in a conflict
- Behaviour of auditors and auditees
Practice of a field audit
- Practical application on a case study
Feedback and closing meeting
- Practical application on a case study
Remote auditing
- Specificities
- Practical application on a case study
Follow-up and closure of the audit
- Good practice in report writing
- Resolution of non-conformities
- The follow-up audit
Evaluation of the Audit Practice
- Continuous improvement in audit practice
Alexandre MICHON - DIEHL
” As a young person in the business world, this course gave me a good understanding of how an audit works. It was instructive and fun to participate.”
” The concrete case study is the greatest strength of the course, reinforcing learning, structure, methodology and application.”
” Comprehensive and well conducted training. The experience of the trainer is a real plus!”
” The trainer is a master of his subject and a good teacher. Excellent training.”
” Dynamic and well explained training with concrete examples!”
Jean-Philippe SCHEUER - MOTUS
” Very well argued training. The sequences covered enabled me to quickly learn the basics of the quality audit technique. The situation on the ground is very relevant and useful for understanding the audit.”
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