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5S: Training-Action / Pilot Workshops – #45
You wish to :
- Implement a policy of continuous improvement through a project that unites the entire company (workshops and offices).
- Improve, by means of a concrete example, the problems of quality, safety and productivity inherent in a lack of optimisation of workstations.
- Learn the methods and tools to ensure a thorough and sustainable application of 5S.
- Learn to implement the 5S method and get staff buy-in.
- Learn the content of the 5S steps and know how to avoid the pitfalls.
Recommanded for
- All jobs.
- All sectors.
No prerequisites.
- In order to organise the training, define the scope and meet the conditions for success, the site is prepared with the host company.
- DO IT: After a quick presentation by the consultant, each team applies the “5S” steps in the field and is confronted with the reality. The operations carried out in the field are carried out with the participation of the operators and the management of the sectors treated to allow a real appropriation of the method. Three perimeters can be treated simultaneously.
Evaluation mode
Validation by the trainer of the ability to apply the concepts and tools taught through situational exercises.
Course materials
Participant’s file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
Trainings :
Consulting services : EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
Discover the 5S concept, the issues involved and the impact on productivity.
Visit the area(s) that will be used for the simulation.
On-site implementation of the first stage (Seiri) and identification of opportunities for improvement.
On-site implementation of the second stage (Seiton) and identification of opportunities for improvement.
On-site implementation of the third stage (Seiso).
Objectives and work to be carried out during the intersessional period: Action plan for the intersessional period.
Carrying out the fourth stage (Seiketsu) in the field on each of the perimeters.
Setting up the final stage (Shitsuke).
Evaluation of results and 30-day action plan.

To get a quote : Contact us