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LEAD AUDITOR Aeronautics, Space, Defence – Improve your system audit practice in accordance with standard EN 9101 & the RM 13005 manual – #745
You are a management system auditor in the ASD sector, and you are looking to enhance your skills to become a Lead Auditor.
You are familiar with management system standards and normative requirements in the ASD sector.
- To perfect the practice of auditing management system standards in the ASD sector (EN 9100, or EN9110, or EN9120, or AS 13100).
- Demonstrate a perfect command of how to audit by process and the risk-based approach in accordance with ISO 19011, EN 9101 and the engine manufacturers’ reference manuals RM 13005 and RM 13009.
- Qualify as an ASD Lead Auditor.
Recommanded for
- Internal or supplier auditors
- Already be qualified or have significant experience as an ISO 19011 internal or supplier auditor.
- Good knowledge of the ASD sector.
- Good knowledge of the main quality methods and tools.
- Good knowledge of the applicable management system requirements EN9100 or EN9110 or EN9120 or AS13100.
This course focuses on auditor development. Audit case studies have been specifically created.
Recommendations, corrections, discussions, exchanges of information and learning are at the heart of the training session. In addition, the trainers’ assessments of the auditors’ performance and understanding are geared towards improvement.
Evaluation mode
- Assessment of practice by the trainer during exercises/role-plays throughout the course, and on the basis of criteria relating to the understanding demonstrated by each candidate during the session.
Course materials
- Participant file containing the presentations delivered during the training and the exercise materials.
To go further
- Consulting services: EURO-SYMBIOSE can assist you in the concrete implementation in your company. Contact us to know more about it.
IAQG-sanctioned 9100:2016 AATT Online and Instructor-Led Bundle – #750
Review of the principles of quality management system standards (HLS structure, PDCA, process approach, etc.)
- Reminder of the principles of the ISO 19011 and EN 9101 audit standards
- Specific audit requirements for engine manufacturers: manuals RM 13005 and RM 13009.
- Preparing for the audit: the Crosby turtle risk approach
Audit effectiveness
Auditor behaviour
Classification of non-conformities
Final feedback

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